Review by: Neb

Size: pages
Price: 2.99

I admit to being a little disappointed in this issue, but not for any of the reasons that one might think.  Some might think I’m disappointed in the art, the story, or the general construction of the book, but this is not the case.  This issue was actually very strong. 

So what is it that leaves me high and dry?  I want more!  Like Veruca Salt, I want more, I want it all, and I want it now.  To me, I feel like this arch could have been six issues of intense back and forth between the War Demigod and Constantine, but instead, Diggle opts to string us along.  He keeps all the major players in the game when I was hoping that this issue would see some sort of closure.  It’s not a bad thing though, in any way, because the way that this has been constructed drags the reader into wanting more.  Isn’t that what good comic book writing is about?  Most definitely yes.

So, my only major gripe with this issue is that Diggle wrote such a great comic that I can’t help but hate it for not satisfying me the way I wanted.  Diggle plants some seeds for some serious stuff to come Constantine’s way, and I’m excited to see where it goes.  The art in this issue was still very good, and completely captures the look and feel of Constantine’s world.

If you were looking for a good jump on issue, this is not it, and maybe next issue will be a better place for those curious of Constantine’s world to jump on.  All I know is this:  If you haven’t read any of Diggle’s Hellblazer yet, you are missing out.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 4 - Very Good

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