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Show Notes
“The truth is this: You fight because war is who you are.”
Paul talks to Eric Trautmann, Brandon Jerwa and Steve Lieber about the intensely personal war story, Shooters. When a harrowing friendly fire incident sends American soldier Terry Glass home from Iraq with a medal he never wanted, his transition to civilian life isn’t as smooth as anyone had hoped. Can he find solace with his wife and young daughter, or is Terry forever clouded by the fog of war. It’s a brutal, candid portrait of a modern warrior you definitely won’t want to miss.
Written by Eric Trautmann & Brandon Jerwa
Art by Steve Lieber
$22.99/144 pages/Black & White/Hardcover
Vertigo Comics
“Out of the Cold”
Amos Lee
Read Paul’s 5-star review of Shooters.
Learn more on the official Steel River Security website, your hub for everything Shooters.
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