Comic Books

Mudman #1


It’s the first day back at school for Owen Craig, and it’s not going too well. He’s been run over, got detention, and his police officer father has been taken prisoner by armed bank robbers. And now his body seems to be turning into mud…

story /art / cover PAUL GRIST

Price: $3.50
iFanboy Community Pick of the Week Percentage: 0.7%


Kmanifesto11/19/11NoRead Review
Avg Rating: 4.0
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  1. Been looking forward to this since Grist announced it!

    Hopefully it becomes a super-popular hit and everyone praises him as the genius he is and then Jack Staff becomes huge as well! The entire world would be a better place if everyone read Paul Grist comics. Fact.

  2. I have been very excited for this for a while! I love indie superhero books and I have never read a Paul Grist book before!

  3. Grist is fantastic! Plus the main character is named Owen Craig, which is my name… so that’s just extra-cool.

  4. I had absolutely zero idea of what this was but picked it up based on the look, and I was very pleasantly surprised with it. Fun beginning and I’m looking forward to the next chapter.

  5. My store sold out of their one copy. My fault for not signing up for it, but it will be re-ordered and I’m all signed up now! Looking forward to the Mud.

  6. This was fucking fantastic. More please.

  7. I was gonna grab this yesterday when I was at the store and I forgot. Was a really crazy day yesterday and I could not wait to get to comic book Wednesday and dissapear into the different worlds of comics. This really looks pretty cool even though it slightly reminds me of Tara from the Teen Titans.
    @tomistommy- That good huh? Can you give me a little 411 on this? If my store has any I think I am gonna pick it up.


    • For me it was just a whole lot of fun, even though I appear to hate fun this week. Nothing too serious, nothing too dark. Just good old fashion comic book fun. Plus, Grist’s art is pretty fantastic.

      You should give it a shot. That’s just my humble opinion, though.

  8. I really enjoyed this. Seems like old school comics. No pretentions, just humor and action. I like that it’s set in England, too. I’m tired of everything happening in New York City.

  9. i thought it was really boring, it looks like im in the minority.

  10. This is a must for English comic book fans (fans from England, rather than fans of English books). It’s nice that Grist hasn’t worried about lots of quirks of language not translating well overseas. Plus when was the last time you read a book that featured Moira Stewart?

  11. I finally got around to reading this. I found it slow and quite boring, with only ok art. That being said it has enough hooks that I am going to stick around for another issue.

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