Happy Labor Day 2012!

We’re taking the day off to celebrate the American worker. See you back here tomorrow!


  1. thanks to everyone at iFanboy for this site and everything y’all do. Y’all deserve the rest. happy Labor Day.

  2. After 350 episode, you guys earned a break. But just one! 😉

  3. Now what will I check 500 times on the internet today?

  4. Yeah, thanks for everything you guys do. I check this site about 10 times a day.

  5. So does Ron carry the girders and Josh carry the rivets?

  6. Thanks for all the great work guys!I guess I can take a break myself since I’m constantly checking in all day long!

  7. Good. You guys deserve a day off with all the work you usually do. Enjoy.

    …Now if only I had actually taken the day off. *SIGH*

  8. Labor Day- How about calling it – NO Labor Day??

  9. 1- you guys rock, thanks for everything you do in putting out the best comic website on the internet!

    2- Oswald Whimple is the greatest name ever.