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Name: dave ware


wednesdayware's Recent Comments
February 21, 2012 1:08 pm I like the Legion arc a lot, and the book has had its ups and downs. Don't know where all the new love is coming from, the date issue was good, but the last few stories previous to it were weak at best. The "super powered rock band" story was wince-inducing. I keep buying the book, as I have faith it will settle in and kick some ass.
February 21, 2012 12:59 pm @Zeppo it reminded me a lot of the "conversations" Rick had Lori on the phone in the book.
February 13, 2012 1:23 pm From the previews for next week, looks like Philly guys weren't alone. Thus it might be too early to assess whether they have a bigger point, but what I got from it was that they were a bit of mirror for our own group of characters. They were people looking for safety, for something to put their backs up against, and (seemingly) willing to take it if needed. They were also a lesson for Herschel that there are things he can't control, that he might need help. Rick's group played nice and made deals with Herschel at the farm. If these other guys had gotten there first, they would have taken the farm from Herschel, easily. They were also a way to show that Rick, for all of his soul searching and morality, is capable of taking decisive action when needed, and that he can every bit as ruthless as Shane. They were also a message from outside, a hint of what is out in the 'wasteland", that there is no safe place, no utopia, that this group will have to make it on their own.
February 13, 2012 12:00 pm Lots in this episode for the haters to hate, but this ep was top notch. The acting in the final scene was wonderful, the pace and the tension were as well. There's a really complex dynamic being built between the characters, and lots of moral issues and struggles ahead. We have Herschel dealing with the fallout of his actions, we have Rick trying to find his place, questioning himself, clinging on to his humanity. We have Shane all but abandoning his, and everyone in between picking sides. There will be calls fr more zombies and less talking on the farm, but this is the groundwork that will make things interesting later on. Best of the year, and a sign of good things to come?
February 2, 2012 4:41 pm Based on his recent output, and the boring mess that was LXG:1969, we can all be glad that Moore isn't writing these.
February 2, 2012 4:35 pm Can't WAIT for the JMS stuff. He can be hit or miss, but usually hit. His Spider-Man run was the best that book has been in a loooooooooong time.
December 5, 2011 5:42 pm The dialogue was pretty bad in this issue. There's a panel in which Sinister explains the tricky plan that Emma Frost and Hope have just pulled off. He does so in lengthy detail, sucking any interest or life out of the thing which HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. In addition to "Show, Don't Tell", Gillen needs to be reminded "Don't over-explain things that we just saw happen". Very sloppy. There are a thousand better ways to have handled that. Not loving this book, give it one more, and we'll see.
November 28, 2011 12:57 pm @OliverTwist: No no no!! If you leave her unfound, you lose that brilliant moment where our group, who has been firmly "no sympathy for the walkers in the barn", is forced to confront that directly. They spent 3 minutes blasting away Hershel's family and friends, who they didn't know, with great ease. When Sophia comes out, they all stop. Only Rick, who didn't want this confrontation forced, steps up. Now we have conflict with what Herschel knew, with Shane's way vs Rick's way, and what to do next.
November 28, 2011 12:53 pm Shane is full on Walking Dead. He's losing the battle for his soul. (Damn, that sounds more cliche and dramatic than it should). He'll do anything, and stands for nothing. But he's a great character to have around.