
Name: Tim Vojta


tvojta's Recent Comments
April 11, 2011 4:50 pm Yech.  This looks like a hot mess.  I'm interested in a renewed take on NightHawk, who always seemed like a character with a lot of potential, but was a little underpowered for the company he usually kept in the Defenders.
December 2, 2008 11:42 am

I think Grant Morrison has completely lost his mind.  Final Crisis is a train wreck and Batman is heading toward the same pile-up. Please make it stop!  I am really over these comic book writers (Ellis, Millar, Morrison) that write scripts that read like Psilocybin-induced streams of consciousness.  I'm running away, far away from this type of writer going forward.  I want good old fashioned comic-bookery (see Marvel's Nova).  This is BATMAN, not a Vertigo title. 

 My .02


