
Name: Pete Dobes

Bio: On and off comic book fan who is going through a 'heavy' on stage right now, mostly thanks to the discovery of web sites like this.  Have always dabbled with a few comic ideas of my own, but haven't we all?  Currently reading...Walking Dead TradesASM starting with New Ways To DieThe Amory Wars Books from Claudio SanchezGuerillas... just cuz it looked like a cool premise, and I'm all about patronizing a cool indy titleRecently finished...Y: The Last Man in trades, and Preacher in trades

ttownpedro's Recent Comments
November 1, 2010 12:01 am Couldn't have been happier with the first episode, it stayed very true to the comic, and the minor additions really added to the story I felt.  I like how they revealed what Lori and Carl looked like after the 'tent scene', if I hadn't already read the books that reveal would have been an 'awww snap! moment for sure.  Looking forward to next episode.
September 11, 2008 11:52 pm My LCS will have it in for me next week, can't wait.  Love the bad, love the comic.
September 11, 2008 11:37 pm Right on brother.  I can remember when I first fell in love with the band about 3 years ago, and thinking "man, some of these lyrics sound like they're pulled from some sci-fi story."  Come to find out, thats exactly what the hell it is!  Claudio is a genius, and I really hope he tells the whole story of Claudio 'the crowing' in comic book format.