
Name: tom fowler


tomfowler's Recent Comments
December 10, 2010 7:43 pm no offence taken, wally-monster.  cultural id and all that.

it was originally posted to comictwart about a week ago, and has been making the rounds via twitter/tumblr ever since.

we're still buds (especially if you keep posting that i'm "a great piece")

cheers, and thanks again to everyone.
December 10, 2010 11:01 am thanks josh and everyone else!

mr. greenmonster, so far as i know it's an original image.  i've been wanting to it get down on paper (though not necessarilly with superman) since i started flying again for work about a decade ago.  i wouldn't be the least bit surprised, though, to find that there are probably a dozen other similar images out there.  just none that i can summon to mind.

thanks again guys!  seeing my stuff in these sketch ups really does brighten my week.  (and this was a week that really needed some brightening...)