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Bio: just a dude. raising kids. telling stories... fadderly.com/toybox


the_jman's Recent Comments
March 4, 2013 12:13 pm brilliant. for real. there's little fun in comics today. isn't there a little bit of room for some lightheartedness amongst all this serious business? does every story have to end with a death to be compelling? believe it or not kids, we can tell a serious story, that has a little bit...just a touch...of fun/humor in it. it's possible! i'm sure i've seen it somewhere...
February 12, 2013 11:43 am i don't know how the rest of the community feels, but i really like Miles as Ultimate Spidey. Wasn't crazy bout it at first (probably just the usual gut reaction), but I stuck with the book. and it's a lot of fun. looking forward to seeing why he quits.
January 4, 2013 3:00 pm love the Jean Grey two page spread (centerfold?!?!?) actually, really like how she's been written this series so far. and at the end? when she tells Scott to leave her the hell alone? man!!!
January 4, 2013 1:47 pm great article. all good points. the variants, though. that drives me nuts. anyone else remember the 90's? weren't any lessons learned. i'm a fence sitter with DC and the new52. some of it i really like. some of it not so much. i guess i'm still hoping for something more.