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Name: Rob Nebula


smo5000's Recent Comments
May 12, 2013 1:13 pm Well this sounds interesting, I'm more excited for Paquette on art than anything else.
May 9, 2013 7:03 am Yet another great issue. I'm happy to see Clayface involved in something, I always considered him one of the more interesting enemies for Batman. The art is a-mazing and the story is exactly what I was hoping to read after DotF. I dont know if Snyder reads minds but the dude knows what he's doing with these characters. My POTW for sure.
May 9, 2013 6:47 am Looks like some fun, I'll pick up a copy.
May 6, 2013 4:09 pm Finally got around to reading this today. The jumps in artstyle detracted from the issue but damn was it interesting to read. It's been said before but hot damn, Morrison is creating one hell of a run here. The few stumbles this series has had so far is outweighed by all the comic bookey greatness it offers.
May 6, 2013 12:22 pm A draw? lol, it's just opinionated commentary. A draw would suggest there could be a winner or loser. ...Did you just say RDJ has boobs or that Paltrow has none? Either way it's friggin' weird :p 2. I'm merely suggesting that directors tend to mis-direct their audience (even in-between movies) and it would really be a shame if Ironman's archenemy ends up being a weak, forgettable, one-and-done troll attempt. Killian breathed fire out of his mouth so it isnt that hard to think that it was hinting at Fin Fang Foom, especially with the dragon tattoos all over his chest. I would wait before jumping to the conclusion that Mandarin is done with in the movie universe or that this all wont get retconned for the chance at a better (and hopefully more imaginative) story. 3. " You don’t see SHIELD show up in the books every time shit goes down." Have you read Ironman before? He is much more involved with SHIELD as any of the other Marvel characters. He even ran it at one point. It isnt about believable or enjoyable, it's about consistency. If it's a shared universe then maybe it should start sharing instead of taking a scene from Avengers and using it only to capture interest and produce a plot-point that is completely washed away by the words "just build something" from a little kid. If only the entire 4th act could've been washed away by a one-liner...they were definitely trying their hardest.
May 6, 2013 10:55 am I completely agree Flakbait, way too many inconsistencies and lack of imagination. It's simple, they didnt connect the suits to the arc reactor because they knew they wouldnt have a story and Stark is meant to remove it in the end. So his original suits disappeared and all of a sudden he had 42 different suits at different prototype stages. Because why not.
May 6, 2013 10:37 am "Stereotypes only exist in peoples heads–that is precisely the problem." Exactly. Shane Black portrayed the character how he wanted to and that's fine, but just because a director considers him a racist caricature does not make it law where hither forth it shall always be fact. Also, one look at Shane Black's writing for Lethal Weapon4 would clearly show he's being a hypocrite here. Wah Sing Ku and the asian criminal underground isnt a negative caricature for the exact same reasons? Pure bias. Or is it because there arent mystical powers and magical rings in that movie? Look at those links eekim1988 provided. If that's to be followed then frankly you dont read fictional literature or watch TV/movies because then *everything* becomes a racist caricature. Ra's Al Ghul follows the exact same caricature of Fu Manchu. Hell, Fu Manchu was one of the characters to give birth to the evil mastermind/archenemy persona. Is Moriarty then a negative caricature of whatever culture he happens to be modeled after? Stereotype fanatics are all the same. They see something that doesnt exist, couple it with their lack of knowledge, then they run with it. http://www.denofgeek.us/books-comics/iron-man/108559/the-secret-origin-of-iron-man-3-villain-the-mandarin
May 5, 2013 9:27 am Mandarin is not a racist stereotype. He's half chinese and half british so I dont see how being half british is stereotypical. Also, stereotypes dont tend to contain the discovery of 10 magic rings off of a spaceship that was piloted by alien-dragons. If he's a racist stereotype then so is Ra's Al Ghul, Mother Russia, or any comic book character ever created. I'm tired of people misunderstanding a character and just spouting off about racial stereotypes that only exist in their head.
May 5, 2013 8:36 am @WheelHands 1. Stark specifically tells Rhodey that he cannot wear any of the Ironman suits in the final climax. Pepper Potts is a woman....they kind of have breasts and their bodies are shaped differently...you cant just fit a woman's body in a man's frame just because she's "thinner" unless you fully plan on having her boobs and part of her butt shredded off. This is really over-speculation on my part but I found it to be a funny little oversight. They just didnt want Rhodey to get a suit and save the president quickly, instead he swings around Indiana Jones4 style to pad the scene. 2. (@cubman987 too) Yeah that must've happened too quickly for me to catch it, I'm guessing it was only told through dialogue because I didnt actually see them remove anything but the piece of shrapnel from Stark's heart. 3. Personally, I think Aldrich Killian is the movie interpretation of Fin Fang Foom. He has the dragon tattoos and even breaths fire at one point. At the very moment Killian reveals himself to be the Mandarin, he gets slapped upside the head...I think this was to insinuate that while Killian is the real movie bad guy, he's not the Moriarty we're looking for. Though I heard that the director already pegged Killian as the real Mandarin, I'm thinking that's a director trying to mis-direct his audience til Ironman4 comes around. Killing Mandarin off in the span of one movie would suck. 4.Their presence is mostly in one or two lines of dialogue so there is no physical presence of them anywhere, especially when compared to any other movie in the MCU. After the missile attack there are people in suits but from what I remember they just had regular government-issued badges. The "Tony Stark is dead" bit was way underplayed *because* there was no SHIELD involvement, A simple scene of A SHIELD-branded agent stating this to Pott's before she puts on the helmet and discovers Tony's message would've helped drive that home. Sam Jackson isnt the entirety of SHIELD, Agent Coulson and Maria Hill are a perfect example of other SHIELD agents. It could've been the guy from Avengers that was playing Galaga for all I care...either way the Army had more presence in this film than the ginormous defense agency with "Hazard Intervention" in their name.
May 4, 2013 9:05 am Ehh, the first half of the movie was good...everything else just weighed the film down. ::SPOILERIFIC:: +++++ ++++ +++ ++ The comedic parts largely have to do with Tony Stark's armor completely failing him or a cheesy one-liner Shane Black pulled from his old Lethal Weapon days. Stark shoots more guns in this movie than anything else and SHIELD has absolutely no presence in the film, which makes no sense if this is supposed to be connected to the rest of the cinematic universe. They attacked Stark's home on US soil, surely someone at SHIELD would be concerned about an Avengers team member...right? Apparently not. From a comic book readers standpoint, I like the movie even less. The differences between comic book characters and their cinematic counterparts has always been interesting to me so long as that character isnt a complete trap-door. I'm obviously talking about Mandarin and how his character was/is essentially treated as a comic book character that's "too silly" for movies. If this patsy was a Life Model Decoy at the end, I would've been MUCH happier, because then we'd learn that Mandarin is being his old evil mastermind self and that this movie IS actually tied into all the fictional crazyness we've seen in the rest of the Marvel cinematic universe to date. Instead he's a drunk living in Miami with a green-screen team. The movie feels extremely buddy-cop when they get to the mansion in Miami and that doesnt let up until the ending credits. I like that something was done with Pepper Potts to kind of hint at her bad ass Rescue days, it's just sad that they also turned her into this heat-generating immortal that actually doesnt need to wear any armor at all. "Sorry, the suits are molded to my shape" Yet Pepper Potts comfortably puts it on several times in the movie? Okay.