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slim's Recent Comments
February 9, 2011 10:10 pm Every book at the very least offers PDF, some CBR. The best part is that you can purchase these books, click the link to open the file and then ALSO open the file in iBooks - all without needing to sync to iTunes. I love it.
February 9, 2011 3:23 pm Ah crap, meant to make that a hyperlink. I quit.
February 9, 2011 3:22 pm @OttoBott you may have missed it. It was one of my first posts. Thanks for digging the site, guys! http://2dollar.tumblr.com/post/3057011031/atomicmike
December 9, 2010 12:43 pm Hey guys, first time - long time. 

First, great article, Wood.

This is the kind of "press release" that has always annoyed me as a long time reader. I refuse to believe this was a press release for anyone BUT comic readers. I also feel like every reader is an "in the know reader". Aren't the only remaining funny book readers still around people that cherish the medium and consume as much information about the industry as they can? What's the alleged monthly reader number at 300K?

I also refuse to believe this press release would get any non-reader into the store, unless it was something about Spider-Man dying. (note: they should do that!)

It's just another knee-slapper idea from Marvel in a long line of poor ones. And I'm a hardcore Marvel reader. This kind of stuff upsets me but I just rant on the Twitter about it, instead of writing a well-thought out piece like Wood did.

There will be readers that say, "nothing to see here, move along." But, come one, this is our industry. Let us be angry. They'll still get our $4 anyway.