
Name: Robert Reed


rsreed13's Recent Comments
July 2, 2012 5:09 pm I'm super pumped about this. The New 52 is what got me back into comics, and stuff like Snyder and Capuullo's Batman is what has kept me in the game. Can't wait! While I would normally be worried when a writer raves about how violent an arc will be, I trust that Snyder can bring some real weight to the violence.
July 2, 2012 1:22 pm It looks like it will really be Jean (according to the original article). Might be Jean in Hope's body, I just hope that Emma and Scott stick together (or Scott dies in a Phoenix like way).
July 2, 2012 1:08 pm This should be interesting, though I had to drop Slott's ASM due to finances this past week. I'll keep up with this though. If there's anything I'm disappointed in, it's that Alpha - a new character who's obviously going to be promoted heavily by Marvel - isn't a minority in some way (unless he's gay, which is a possibility). Obviously Marvel doesn't want to make him Black or Hispanic, because that undercuts Miles' existence over in the Ultimate Universe. But it seems weird to me that Marvel and DC go out of their way to change their established characters or create new characters in their respective alternate universes and then, when they (Marvel) create a new character in the main universe, not only is it a White American male, it's a BLONDE White American male. Because we don't have enough of those in the 616. Might as well have created a redheaded White American female. It just seems hypocritical of them to always be spewing diversity when they change characters (which riles up fans) and then when they make a new hero to be the SIDE-KICK (however temporary) to one of the most prominent super-heroes in the world, it's the most prototypical looking guy. I mean, they could've at least made him Swedish or something.