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Name: Ethan Zelinskas



roboadmiral's Recent Comments
February 21, 2013 6:15 pm While this might be good, I can't help but feel like this is representative of the main problem with the New 52. They're not making a new DC Universe. They're just doing the old one over again. They're reintroducing the same characters and villains, retelling the same stories, and reestablishing the same relationships. It's probably going to work the same as every other Batman-Superman first encounter. They'll initial distrust each other and have a distaste for each other's methods. By the end they'll have learned a healthy respect for each other's necessity and be on their way to friendship. Please surprise me.
February 21, 2013 11:44 am I don't know. I never liked the idea of superheroes working for the government.
February 20, 2013 10:32 pm Daken and X-23 should never Ever EVER be drawn in a sensual embrace.
February 13, 2013 10:43 pm I was really enjoying it until the Joker made Batman drop him at the waterfall. Everything after that was confusing. Did Batman shout "No!" because the Joker was going to die or was he angry that he didn't get to fulfill the "Everything that happens to you tonight happens by my hand" line? At first I thought he was going to kill Joker, but then it seemed like he was going to psychologically destroy Joker by telling him he knew who he was, but then at the end there's the computer screen still reading "Identity Unknown" so was it a bluff, if so what was his plan? What was he going to do to finish Joker for good? I found this issue's explanation of why Batman doesn't kill the Joker ("I truly believe that if I did it, if I killed Joker, Gotham would just send me someone worse") to be as half-assed as every other explanation I've heard. Like I said, I've enjoyed Snyder's run on Batman immensely thus far, but I am a bit annoyed that Death of the Family has left me mostly with unanswerable questions. Also, I like the idea of that Bat-family drifting apart. I think there's too many people. I like my Batman as a lone ranger, but maybe that's just me
February 7, 2013 8:59 pm The problem with Wildcats (and Stormwatch and anything that has anything to do with Wildstorm) is that when they were in Wildstorm they were the top tier. They got the talent. At DC they are mid-to-bottom range. The characters don't have the clout to get talent worthy of them.
February 1, 2013 10:55 pm Dear lord, please let my children in the unforeseeable future be nerds. I'll have no idea what to do if they're not.
February 1, 2013 3:00 pm I love that Punisher panel. More than any of the other Avengers, Iron Man has consistently underestimated Mr. Castle. He thinks he's just a psycho with a bunch of guns. Oh, Tony. You're about to find out just how wrong you are.
January 31, 2013 9:20 pm I think one of the single biggest problems with the comics industry is that it doesn't market. When's the last time you saw a comic advertisement that wasn't either in a comic shop or in a comic book itself. We're already won over, we don't need persuading. The word needs to be gotten out where people who don't read can learn why perhaps they should. Also, the old-boys-club that's developed within the industry probably isn't helping new, innovative talent find its way in. Clearly something isn't working and some fresh minds might help sort out precisely what that is.
January 31, 2013 2:44 pm Personally, I feel like anyone other than Tim Daly voicing Superman is like anyone other than Kevin Conroy voicing Batman. As in it should not happen. That being said, this guy doesn't seem too bad.
January 25, 2013 11:48 am I miss Andrea Sorrentino. Why did you have to send him to Green Arrow, DC? He was so perfect for this book.