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Name: Andy Neumann

Bio: Make mine Marvel! (mostly)



Well, for one, this really should have been 17.1. Because the United We Stand portion of Ultimate Spider-Man isn’t even…

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After the sour taste left in my mouth following Fear Itself 2 and 3, I was pissed that they were…

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NOTE: The beginning of this story mirrors the final pages of Venom #8, so read that first if you are…

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neums's Recent Comments
July 15, 2012 7:49 am I've read it, and as a Spidey devotee, I worship at the altar of Slott. That said, I get why Hank did it any his motivations for doing so, but once Slott was off and Hank's almost immediately thrown back into the Giant-Man/Ant-Man guise, I dunno, made it look like Marvel editorial or Christos Gage had no faith in that particular character arc and decided to wash their hands of it.
July 15, 2012 4:52 am Ah, yes, during his short, ill-conceived stint as the Wasp. Probably just so editorial could pair him with O'Grady for that dumb Ant-Man & Wasp mini to cash in with a nostalgia title.
July 15, 2012 4:46 am They directed a buttload of Community episodes also. So they get geek cred. They directed You, Me and Dupree. Hmmm...I'm conflicted about this now.
July 14, 2012 10:35 pm In the same boat as you. I know they're out there, but they're not something I'd normally be into. But then, I'm more of a fan of the street-level stuff as opposed to Marvel Cosmic. Who knows, though? With Thanos and this, maybe I'll pick up some of the cosmic trades, see what I've been missing out on.
July 14, 2012 9:25 pm Holy shit, Winter Soldier. Brubaker's story had a very cinematic feel to it to begin with, and if done right, that's going to be awesome.
July 14, 2012 9:21 pm Are they mini S-shields for the texture, like the new Star Trek shirts' texture was little Starfleet insignias?