
Name: Luis Carrero


lcarrero89's Recent Comments
June 14, 2012 9:09 am So I'm probably gonna get flack for this but I maybe one of the few people that really didn't enjoy Watchmen. While I have a great amount of respect for it and the impact that it has had on the industry, it didn't do anything for me. I prefer Moores Swamp Thing and V for Vendetta, that being said I really am enjoying these minis, maybe ill go back for the umpteenth time and give Watchmen another shot.
June 14, 2012 7:48 am Glad to see Snyders check cleared ;) . Loved this btw, ill admit having had the twist spoiled for me at my local comic shop the first thing I thought was “wow he’s going that route”. However its all in the execution, what could have turned into a cliche long lost relative story was executed so well that even knowing what the end result was had me going “oh hell no”. The issue made me go back yesterday and reread all the previous ones, and sure enough the hints were all there.
June 14, 2012 7:46 am Glad to see Snyders check cleared ;). Loved this btw, ill admit having had the twist spoiled for me at my local comic shop the first thing I thought was "wow he's going that route". However its all in the execution, what could have turned into a cliche long lost relative story was executed so well that even knowing what the end result was had me going "oh hell no". The issue made me go back yesterday and reread all the previous ones, and sure enough the hints were all there.
June 13, 2012 11:53 am So having had this spoiled to me at the store (thanks btw) I thought it sounded like a terrible idea. Having read it though, wow he pulled it off. Bravo Scott.