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Name: wes perry

Bio: Hello, my name is Wes and I'm a comicaholic. I am a big comic nerd and not afraid to say it!  I'm from Springfield, the home of The Simpsons! And I hope some day to be a comic writer. So if there are ant artists out there, holler at me! Ya wanna know anything else just ask. 

kalel2783's Recent Comments
January 31, 2010 9:41 pm

I thought this episode was just so-so. This whole season has just been so-so. I'm more interested in the Green Arrow than I am Clark anymore. I love the episodes that focus on him, and his struggle with being a hero. I LOVE Louis Lane! She is in my opinoin the best portrayed Louis in any show or movie.

I am also getting tired of Chloe. More the dialoge between her and Clark. Its the exact same in every episode. She keeps 1 bit of info from him and he throws a fit. Its been like that for the past few seasons. I dont think they should kill her but she def needs a character change.

And Zod, Zod has become a pretty big let down. I like the actor and how he does seem like a young Terrance Stampe, but they really have done NOTHING  with him. I get bored when he is on. I REALLY do miss Lex Luthor. He was really becoming the best character in the show. I missed him last season and I miss him even more this season.

And sadly, I think Clark is even becoming very stale and like Chloe. Anymore all he does is whine. The only time I like seeing him is when he is with Louis or the few encounters with Zod. Any other time he just whine or tells Chloe or Oliver how bad they are. I truely think that the only saving grace for this show has been the guest heroes. Although they should spend more time on certain ones. Metallo would have been good for a 2 parter.

And WHEN,WHEN,WHEN will they have Bruce Wayne make an apperance?!! Or Hal Jordan?!! Or Diana?!! Evryone but those 3! Maybe they are saving them for the finale season. Which better be soon cause IDK how much longer I can be faithful to it.