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Name: Gordon Strain

Bio: I'm the last of the famous international playboys.If you want to know more - go here!


Tiny Titans #1 – how do I feel? I have to admit that I am not a Teen Titans reader,…

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October 25, 2008 9:04 pm

@chlop - I think the argument would not be language - but dance/movement and "costuming" - as in wearing part of an animal like a mask, etc.  It was all happening a the same time...it's not like they looked a cave paintings for hundreds of years and then decided to build rituals around those...the evolution of art has many paths.

@Paul - nope.  You don't have to spend to make - but if you don't you need to have something REALLY special.  I think there are certainly better books/concepts/stories that might make brilliant theatrical pieces - but this is the one that got picked.  Similar to movies - what is popular is what gets the big funding.  Certainly there are exceptions - and I'm hoping this can open a door.

October 25, 2008 7:07 pm

@RaceMcCloud - BRAVO!

@TheNextChampion - One million a week is a fairly standard budget.  People don't work for free - actors or technicians.  it's not like movies are much cheaper to make.  They just make it back quicker because they can play multiple cities and mulitple times.

@Diabhol - I encourage you to read (or see) something by Glen Berger.  Since he is working with JT on this - I think that the story will be good.  

Theatre existed long before movies and comic books.  Telling stories in this format has crossed through every generation of mankind - even "Ug" the caveman who would tell stories of the hunt around the fire.  I think that a story can go backwards from movie to theatre - and I think the assembled team has the potential to do it well.  I am not a U2 fan - and Bono is sort of the wildcard - but this is not a pop album he's writing.  He certainly has the knowledge and skill to write music/lyrics - and it's not like he is sitting in a room doing this alone.  More likely is that his name is on it - and a large team of professionals is working away.

As for original ideas - mentioned a few times by people - there are none (and that is a bit dramatic, there are a few) - but even William Shakespeare stole nearly all of his source material.  It's been happening for centuries, and it will continue to happen.

October 24, 2008 11:24 am

@TheNextChampion - Yes, it is going to be expensive to get off the ground - and to keep going.  However, I think that producers are looking at the success of comic related movies and that is easing their minds/opening their wallets.  That being said, tickets to a B'way show ARE significantly more than movie tickets - and movies open all over the country and play multiple times a day, etc. etc.  So it clearly cannot play to the same fanbase.

This really gets to the heart of my problem with commercial theatre, but I think that is a different post for a different site.  

Nobody really thought that The Lion King would be so good either...they can't all be winners - but this one has potential.

October 17, 2008 10:12 am

@USPUNX - Fables is something that I keep debating - but I am so scared because I am SO far behind.  Maybe I just need to take the plunge. Argh - that book is right up my alley...

@Eyun - The Roberts, two issues - check.  I'll grab it this weekend.

October 15, 2008 11:07 pm

@ron - oops.

@mikeromo - I loved your post.  The funny thing is it made me realize I've never listened to the audio podcast.  I guess I've got some catching up to do...

October 15, 2008 8:18 pm

There was a time that Ron and I had Mozcast - I think that we did two or three shows.

I guess if there is demand we can bring it back...

September 22, 2008 9:50 am I just figured Edward was talking to somebody else that I don't know...
September 21, 2008 10:59 pm @SixGun - nice!
August 24, 2008 1:18 pm

@tittom - welcome.  Thanks for the insight on French books - there's a whole world of stuff that we should all be looking into. 

Your English was fine - but you can feel free to write your comments in French if you prefer.  It's a prettier language anyway.