
Name: Christopher Cabanillas


crcomics's Recent Comments
April 26, 2013 12:48 pm First, don't let yourself feel like your love of comics is some sort of taboo. That's silly. My coworkers don't judge my comic interest any more than I judge their varied interests. And, on the off chance someone does judge your love of comics? Explain in quick fashion that you're quite sorry that they allowed their prejudice to cut them off from something awesome. It's sad that this is a discussion that still happens. Comic readers need to get over their shame. The biggest convention of the year has the word comic in it. You think Robert Downey Jr. hasn't cracked a TPB of Iron Man at least once? Again, it's silly that we still worry what someone else might think or say about comics. Comics are awesome, the haters are just missing out, poor bastards.
April 25, 2013 2:32 pm I really like Hickman's Captain Universe. The bit about the pie still gets me chuckling. Also, the WTF-ness of the character fits pretty well with what Hickman is doing in Avengers.
April 23, 2013 8:50 pm Really close to dropping this. It's a little difficult to love a team where nearly every member is a broody misanthrope.
April 23, 2013 8:44 pm I'm loving the one-shot nature of the stories while still carrying a larger arc under the surface. In a way it feels like Reed is trying his best to distract his terribly clever children from the fact their father is sick. All the while we get to see the Four tackle some of the more interesting facets of the way the universe is made up. For all the plaudits Hickman received for his run on Fantastic Four it should be said Fraction is doing a pretty bang-up job himself.
April 19, 2013 2:38 am Super pleased with this pick. I was actually shocked to see it as the pick though because I would have sworn I was the only one in deep love with it. Kelly-Sue, is writing a fun, engaging character that kicks so much ass. Everything I hear people demanding in comics Captain Marvel is bringing and it feels like I'm out here in the wilderness all by my lonesome. I'm especially super excited for the upcoming mini-event that KSD will be working between Captain Marvel and Avengers Assemble (another overlooked gem). I feel a rant coming on. I see complaints, here and elsewhere, about Hickman's run on Avengers and New Avengers along the line of, "slow", "no action", "do something!" etc. No idea who folks thought they were reading. It's Hickman. He just did this in Fantastic Four. It's his MO. You want the Avengers going off and doing awesome missions and kicking butt? Avengers Assemble. Kelly-Sue is rocking her titles and all I see is, "I heard good things and I was thinking of picking this up maybe.. I dunno... waffle waffle." You want Avengers doing their avenging thing and not just sitting around a table discussing potentially doing something somewhat Aveng-y? Kelly-Sue, Captain Marvel, Avengers Assemble. Apologies for the crazy comic book dude rant. Just going bonkers every month seeing "heard this was good was thinking of..." Just do it. We're not trying to trick you.
April 11, 2013 8:05 am Great review, heartily agreed with.
April 10, 2013 1:22 am Going to peruse this at the LCS, if it opens up with 14 blocks of "I was created by...N.O.W.H.E.R.E...." narration on the opening page I'm dropping it.
April 10, 2013 1:21 am I've become a Valiant fan. They went from completely off my radar to "most anticipated" in short order.
April 10, 2013 1:19 am So good. Why aren't you reading this?
April 10, 2013 1:18 am Only pulling this for Natasha. I believe this is supposed to be a two issue AoU run while Kelly-Sue takes a breather.