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Name: Thomas Cook

Bio: Pittsburgh, PA

cootho3's Recent Comments
April 19, 2009 2:14 am I'd recommend City of Dust written by Steve Niles.  It's a five issue five issue limited series printed by Radical Comics (a small publisher that I've never heard you guys mention, they do some great work).  The story is set in the future where all forms of fiction have been banned.  A cop starts unveiling pieces of the past that lead to a modern day mystery in his time.  All in all I liked the writing and the art is top notch by a few guys I've never heard of; Brandon Chng, Zid, Garrie Gastonny.  Definitely worth checking out if you can find it. 
April 11, 2009 3:36 am

Is it just me or did pretty much nothing happen in this issue.  I finished the book in five minutes and was  thinking, “where did my $3.99 go?”  I'm still in for #2 because I want to see what Jason Aaron does with Wolverine, but overall a rather unexciting first issue.