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Name: Peter Grieshaber

Bio: No really... I don't have a job right now.  Little help?


Oh man, my kidneys hurt!  Jeph Loeb has illegally punched me below the belt.  Is this a cheep, lazy gimmick…

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    O.K.  Let’s get into this.  George Jeanty was the perfect pick for this book.  It’s been said that he…

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TheUnemployedShortstop's Recent Comments
April 7, 2008 8:34 pm

Five books, one or two to many for me, but I'm excited about them all.  It looks like a good week, and a week off from skrulls, at least for me.

Criminal 2 #2

Green Arrow Black Canary #7

Fantastic 4 #5 something something

Suburban Glamour#4

Serenity #2 

 bq:  Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Dale Cooper.  No question. I do love McNulty though: "What the fuck did I do?"



April 3, 2008 11:25 am JRjr and Millar worked together on Wolverine Enemy of the State, all twelve issues are collected in a BEAUTIFUL hardcover edition (I didn't ask for it but my brother thought I might like it, so he gave it to me for Chistmas two years ago... thanks Joe).  The story is fine:  Wolverine gets captured and reprogramed by the hand.  His new mission is to annihilate all superheros.  Commissioned by SHIELD, Elektra is hot on Woverine's trail.  It's not "The Great Gatsby," but it is a lot of fun.  Wolverine vs Reed Richards = good times.  Witch leads me to JRjr's art.  This was my first experience and I was not sold on his figures (I though they were too expressive and unnatural... I've come around on this subject).  However the action sequences stood out! The art and layout are both exciting and dramatic.  JRjr is fantastic and this is a good example why.