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Name: Josh Baker


TheOtherJosh's Recent Comments
May 18, 2010 6:00 am 1992 Ford Taurus, obviously.
May 7, 2010 1:13 pm Also, and I can't believe I'm saying this but...


too much Avengers set-up?
May 7, 2010 12:45 pm So, what I think:  Iron Man 1 was an explosion of energy, and cockiness and awesomeness - for all intents and purposes it was a 'club banger' Iron Man 2 is busier, and more layered and more uncomfortable in some parts - a power ballad.  Now, it's hard to discuss the 2nd without discussing the first because if it didn't have the legacy to live up to it would be amazing, we should all hope Green Lantern is this good.  However, realistically that's not the case and it gets compared to its bigger brother (one of the top 2 comic movies off all time no matter who you ask) and that's where it comes up a little short.  I saw it last week (thank you early Estonia release) and plan on seeing it again this weekend but it didn't leave me charged the same way the first did.

That being said, HOLY AFTER CREDITS!