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Name: Stefan Immel



Starocotes's Recent Comments
January 4, 2011 8:18 am @Moonie: Your numbers in regard to DCUO are to high. AoC and WAR sold so well because both are well known IP's in europe, besides beeing knon in NA. DC Comics are not really known over here (Except for Superman and Batman). I'm guessing more around 600.000 to 700.000 initial sales and a slower but deeper drop. The only thing that could keep DCUO running more smoothly would be something like bi-monthly "episodes" where you can do some new quests with a storyline.
December 28, 2010 9:40 am @Tiki: It is not a MMORPG in a more traditional sense, it hase MMORPG elements but playes like an action game. It fits very well on the PS3. Besides, you cannot play PS3 against PC, the servers are different for each client.

@Mangaman: It is not another WoW, it's much more action oriented and the quests and storys are presented to you with voiceovers as you play. You are much more imersed in the world.  
December 23, 2010 2:50 pm The difference between STO and DCUO is that STO was done horribly wrong and DCUO is done at least somehow right. It could be that hardcore MMO's gamers will shun DCUO because of the "missing depth" of the game mechanics and the more action oriented playing style and action gamers will shun DCUO because of the monthly fee. 

But perhaps it will pull in a whole lot of new gamers that like a more casual playstyle. 
December 23, 2010 8:23 am The current version (Update from 12/22) worked pretty well for me. No crashes so far for me. 
December 23, 2010 3:30 am @Jason: The point is that DCUO is different and that could be a hugh plus in this market. I'm also in Rift Beta (now I can talk about it) and Rift just feels like another of those umpteen MMO's out there. Absolutly no innovation whatsoever and so I'm very sure it will fail after the start. DCUO offers an action oriented approach and an ease of playing that certainly does NOT appeal to the hardcore WoW Raid member but that COULD mean a whole kind of different success. 
December 22, 2010 4:06 pm I really like DCUO and MMO in general and I WILL play DCUO when it comes out (I'm currently in the Beta). But the numbers are way off.

Recent hughly successfull MMO's like AoC, Warhammer or Aion started with about 1.000.000 sold boxes and not much less created accounts but the decline came pretty fast. AoC had about 200.000 subscriptions after 1 year and with Warhammer and Aion the loss of subscribers was faster.

Besides that DCUO lacks the international appeal. Heros like Superman or Batman are known around the World but all those others are primary know in the US. If DCUO can hold about 200.000 after a year I would call it a success. 
December 18, 2010 2:13 am Any chance you will be coming to germany for anything (Frankfurt Book Fair, Comic Action?)
December 18, 2010 2:04 am Since you took such a radical different approach with Iron Man, focusing more on character development and social engineering and less on action, battles and tons of high science, and Thor, bringing back the weird science aspect and different kinds of aliens, which other character would you like to develop in a simliar fashion?