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Name: Matt

Bio: Geeky east coast guy, living with my husband and a 3-legged dog (and a few cats). Lifelong comic reader recently converted to the joys of digital comics to minimize the need for additional storage space (and to help preserve my husband's sanity).****************************** LIKES: - Anything by Scott Snyder, Nicholas Spencer, Brian K. Vaughn, Phil Jiminez, Oliver Coipel, Sara Pichelli - The original Crisis on Infinite Earths - John Byrne's Superman reboot in the 80s - Geoff Johns' original JSA run - The first 50 or so issues of The Walking Dead (it feels like it's kind of been treading water since the Governor) - The "Archie" Legion - The idea (if not necessarily the execution) of Ben Reilly and the Clone Saga. Don't judge me too harshly - Ultimate Spider-Man (both Peter Parker and Miles Morales) ************************************ DISLIKES: - Dissolving marriages via a deal with the devil or an editorial mandate thanks to continuity reboots - Anything by Rob Liefeld (sorry, Rob!) - Rabid, angry fanboys and fangirls - People who epitomize a real life "Comic Book Guy" in terms of their attitudes towards others ************************************** Favorite comics right now: Ultimate Comics: Spider-Man, Invincible, Batman, American Vampire, Animal Man, Swamp Thing, Chew, Fables, Stuff of Legend, Wonder Woman, Saga, Mind the Gap, Archer & Armstrong, Harbinger, X-O Manowar


Skruff's Recent Comments
October 29, 2012 7:00 am I really enjoy Ultimate Spider-Man. It's turned out to be a much more cohesive universe than I thought it would be, and I really like how it's all playing out so far. Can't wait to see more!
October 22, 2012 6:46 pm Not at all!
October 16, 2012 8:10 am Teen Titans back when I looked forward to it every month.... and the Crimson Avenger in JSA was a great, yet tragic storyline!
October 16, 2012 8:09 am Oh, I miss The Crimson Avenger... It's a pity she never really became a mainstay in the JSA!
October 16, 2012 7:42 am I think you can also count Deathstroke, Superboy and Demon Knights in that "retooled" mix
October 16, 2012 7:39 am Hawkman, Firestorm, Deathstroke, Green Arrow... Lots of titles still in DC's arsenal that have never appeared to have clicked on any level in the New 52, yet decent titles like Frankenstein and (yes, I know I may be the only one who really liked it) Blue Beetle get the axe. I fear for I, Vampire's future...
October 16, 2012 7:33 am LEGION LOST -- Read one issue. As much as I wanted to like the concept (considering I really enjoyed both the original Legion Lost and the period when the "Archie" Legion was trapped in the present day), the first issue just drove me away, and I never looked back. GRIFTER -- I actually liked the book at first. But when Rob Liefeld came on board, all my interest quickly dissipated, unfortunately. FRANKENSTEIN -- I liked this book, but I never loved it like so many others. The art was definitely a factor for me, but the stories have never really grabbed me as well. Other than Frankenstein and Lady Frankenstein, I never really felt connected to any of the characters in what I had presumed would be a more ensemble-focused cast. Even though it only lasted for four issues, I actually really enjoyed the Flashpoint Frankenstein series more. Still, I'm sorry to see this title go, as it definitely had potential to keep growing and hooking me bit by bit. BLUE BEETLE -- I never really read Jaime's pre-52 series, so I can't compare. However, this was one title I consistently enjoyed month to month, and I was really looking forward to seeing this title grow and thrive. I wonder if this is just a character who consistently needs a "superstar" creative team in order to get the attention he deserves. I know Geoff Johns wrote the pre-52 version. It's a shame he couldn't have had a hand in giving this book a little more exposure.
October 15, 2012 8:07 am I was just about to post the same thing. If this were the late 90s (when Beast Wars was on the air), it would be fine, but CGI animation has improved by leaps and bounds since then. Based on the animation alone, this movie is a non-starter for me unfortunately.
October 15, 2012 8:02 am I think it's great that a character who got his start in the movies has quickly developed such a strong following with the often fickle comic community, and I love that Clark Gregg is clearly such a fan as well. That Marvel has now included him in the movies, the comics, the Ultimate Spider-Man TV show, and now Coulson will be headlining the upcoming S.H.I.E.L.D. show truly speaks to the power of a good character.
October 15, 2012 7:56 am I'm fine with a well-deserved hiatus. On a series like that, I'd rather the creative team take the time off to recharge their batteries and/or work on other projects rather than churn out garbage just to keep up with the schedule. I'll definitely be checking out The Wake.