
Name: Ron DeVinitz


RonDev's Recent Comments
July 10, 2013 12:20 pm <> Oh absolutely. When the superhero movies play to the strength of what the movies can do best, that it's own special reward. I'm thinking of the comic timing in The Avengers, the too-fast or you'll miss it fighting in Man of Steel, or New Yorkers standing up for Spidey in the 2nd film. Those are dramatic elements that movies can bring to a life in a different way from comics.
July 10, 2013 9:13 am My issue is two different things. With superhero movies, I think movies generally take away what makes those stories work so well on a comic book page. On a comic page for me they can survive with a lot more freedom and joy (when done well) then what I've seen done in their best at the movies. DC certainly is not bringing any joy to their adaptations, getting bogged down in "realism" and gloom. That's one way to tell those stories, but to me the best superhero stories are not that. The comics at their best for me have an unrestrained joy and exhuberance that films just never go for. The Marvel films come closest, and as comic book movies they are fine, but as a general movie they just aren't my thing. Put it this way - movies are a medium with it's own challenges and rewards, and the things I love best about movies are not the same things I like about my comics. With sequels, it comes down I want to watch the same thing again that I alread liked once? For me, I rarely ever want to see the sequel.
July 9, 2013 2:16 pm I can't wait till this love affair with Comic Book movies goes away. They are like Buddy Cop/Lawyer movies in the 80's and Gangster/Hitman films in the 90's. Eventually they will disappear and Hollywood will replace it with some other genre and ram that down our throats. Unfortunately, we'll probably never get rid of sequels...
July 4, 2013 12:37 am Yeah, I was unable to finish reading it because the look was so distracting. Oh well, I'm only out a buck!
July 3, 2013 11:12 pm Am I the only one that thought the coloring made the art look blurry? There is a streak of blue on almost every line, and it looks like a misprinted page.
June 14, 2013 7:45 pm Yeah, explaining the alien space craft stopping off for a restroom break at a Kansas farm house might not work....
June 14, 2013 7:23 pm SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS Please don't ruin the film for yourself. SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS <> Actually, do they know? Lois knows (which I think is great - it can make them co-conspirators in a potential sequel and alleviate some of the ethical problems of the Clark/Supes journalism angle), maybe the cop who drove her to the Kents, and anyone who helped load the rocket onto the truck. But the military guys who knew him all died in the plane flying into the Kryptonian ship. None of the Daily Planet staff was up close and personal with him (at any time I recall), plus they were pretty traumitized (although that last scene they all seemed chummy and not bothered by the THOUSANDS who had perished in the carnage). Pete Ross knows (most likely). Who else would even be aware to connect both of them? The Harry Lennix officer (and soldier) at the end saw him up close (and knows Clark is from Kansas). I think the reality of the situation can bend for me. After all, Supes did wreck and destroy a lot of property without batting an eye....just the time for Lex Corp to step in and help rebuild Metropolis!
June 14, 2013 6:12 pm Spoilers I guess...... SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS I was pretty psyched to see this (even took time off of work to go). Word of warning for those with sensitive ears - avoid the IMAX version, it's oppressively loud. Two things that bugged me about the film - the dialogue is almost only functional. Characters for the last hour pretty much just spout plot specific information. Michael Shannon is a terrific and smart actor who can twist dialogue and make it sing, and he never really gets to do that here (check out his creepy ass villain in the under rated Premium Rush). And that last hour is quite a bit of carnage. If city destruction imagery is upsetting to you, this may end up being too much. One image of a plane into a building with ash everywhere I felt was in bad taste. On to the good. Lots of it actually. Critics have been down on the Lois/Clark relationship, but I thought that was one of the best things about it. And where their relationship ends (and how it gets there) I thought was a terrific change in tradition. I want to see that next scene NOW! On Supes and his choice at the end - I had no issues with it. Yes, I get that it feels out of character, but he didn't do it lightly, and I thought it was a gutsy choice to show him so agonized over it. Of course, he'd already destroyed some Kryptonian ships, killing those on board anyway... Also, almost every actor was perfectly cast, Fishbourne, Adams, Lane and Costner. And Cavill is a terrific choice here. He anchors the movie with his humanity and his ability to listen to the other actors. He's aware in every scene he is in of the people around him, and he doesn't try too hard. Best moment of the film - I'll give you two - learning to fly, and the Lane/Kent conversation and moments awaiting Zod's arrival. Perfect tone. Like Avengers, I can't wait to see a sequel. I want to see some inter-office behavior and interaction of the actors. Just get a script with some more wit and style, please....
October 5, 2012 4:06 pm That's my problem with all of this - the rollout of information from Marvel. Is there anywhere online with one concise list of what titles are being hinted at and what titles we know are being released? Because of the ambiguity and the assumed $4 price points, this Marvel Now effort is completely being ignored by me. At least when DC did their New 52, they announced all of the titles (with covers) in a single week. That kept me much more intrigued, because it was a steady (but concise) stream of information with artwork.
March 9, 2011 4:33 pm So, I heard rumors of the First Wave books being cancelled, but was it ever officially announced?  Will J.G. Jones upcoming storyline get completed?  I laugh, cause I was waiting on all of those books for the eventual collections...and all of the series are being cancelled before the collections hit this year.  Terrible timing.