Ron's Recent Comments
August 10, 2012 12:50 pm Thanks - glad you enjoyed it
August 1, 2012 6:50 pm it's it's own beast - you don't need to have read the first Black Kiss.
July 22, 2012 7:20 pm We mentioned it briefly while discussing the top 5 picked books by the community
July 19, 2012 4:37 pm Oh I know - that's my point - why they're still seperate is beyond me - you'd think DC would learn from Marvel and get some of that movie action going on in their booth. I don't even know where the WB booth was...
July 18, 2012 11:34 am Thanks for the feedback and I understand where you're coming from, hell, I agree with you - but as we said when the video went on hiatus, that after 200+ episodes, we needed a bit of a break from that - as well as outside factors that affect our reality. In a perfect world, we'd be doing it for you every week (or more), but we all know the world isn't perfect and so we do the best we can That said, you haven't even see the interviews yet. While we enjoy doing the in-depth discussion shows, we're also pretty proud of the interviews we did at SDCC, especially this year as we focused on who we wanted to talk to and got some really good stuff. So, while we're just 2 videos in of what's going to be a bunch, I would hope that you could reserve judgment until you've seen them. We could have dumped them all out early this week, but we're spacing out the releases so that it can be enjoyed over time. We approached our interviews the same way we do our in-depth discussion, in a timeless manner - so it's less about "OMG RUCKA IS DOING LAZARUS AT IMAGE" and more about talking to Rucka about what Lazarus is, what his approach to creator owned books is, and a MUCH longer and deeper conversation. Thanks for the compliments on Paul and Ryan (I too enjoy them) and the other writing. Hopefully you'll enjoy these videos that we're working hard to bring you. thanks
July 18, 2012 10:51 am Make sure you have the latest version of flash installed - or head over to
July 9, 2012 9:03 pm Oh yes, I called a meeting for us to think about it together
July 9, 2012 9:01 pm OH MAN I LOVED MODULOK! and that IS the head in Skeletor's hand at the end of the comic