Ron's Recent Comments
August 16, 2011 12:35 pm Quick morning update: - Your Comics link in the upper right corner should now be showing your pull list for this week. - User Profiles now show this week's pull list as well I'll keep everyone posted on the updates and changes as they happen.
August 16, 2011 12:34 pm Thanks - we'll take a look and see if there's a bug with those browsers/OSes. @SteenAR - what version of Windows? @Joexmas - what version of OSX and Chrome? I'm on OSX and Chrome and it works fine
August 16, 2011 12:32 pm you can find that at
August 16, 2011 10:29 am What Operating System and Browser (and version) are you using?
August 16, 2011 10:28 am The comments requiring moderation are triggered by multiple links within the comment - it's a way to protect from Spam.
August 16, 2011 5:26 am Added to the bug list. thanks!
August 16, 2011 5:25 am Yep, we're working on this as well.
August 16, 2011 5:23 am yes, this is a known issue that we'll be addressing on Tuesday. Stay tuned for it to be fixed and thanks for your patience
August 16, 2011 5:22 am Hey everyone - it's been a long day and as you can tell, a very busy one. I wanted to take a few minutes and check in with you and give you an update as to where we're at. First and foremost, thank you again for your comments and patience about the new site. As we've said many times, iFanboy is here for you, so we want to make sure that you enjoy the new site and it's working the way you want it to. So what happened on Monday and where are we come Tuesday? I'll break it down point by point: Site Going Down/Unavailable/Slow - As we launched the new site on Monday, you probably noticed that the site was up, and then it was down. Or you got the down for maintenance page, and then it went up and back down. These reasons for these were several. First, we had to update the DNS information about (basically our address on the web), for those of you who work in technology, you know that those types of changes can take from 6 to 48 hours to take affect. Luckily for us, it looks like after about 12 hours, we were fully propagated. Second, as we've moved to a new server environment, part of the challenge is fine tuning the settings. We've worked and tested the new site, but in a controlled environment with a few users. Once you set a website like ours into the wild, part of the challenge is to see how it performs when hundreds and thousands of people start loading the site, linking to it, and interacting with it. Thankfully our tech team at Graphicly HQ spent the majority of the day working to get the server tuned just right and by the evening, we were stable and handling the traffic steadily. Now hopefully we're out of the woods there, but time will tell and we continue to thank you for your patience. Comics Section - As many of you noticed, the new comics for this week did not go live until very late on Monday, and even then there seem to be some problems, like the Top Pulls on the homepage is blank and Your Comics list associate with your profile is empty. We apologize for this. It's impossible for you to know how complicated the comics application here is, but trust me, it's pretty complicated. While we had it working in a test environment, again once we worked to launch the comics in the production environment, some bugs arose that kept it from working. Many people worked very late in the night to get the comics list published, and will be picking it back up tomorrow morning to get Your Comics list working, as well as the Top Pulls on the homepage. I'm pretty sure that sums up the major issues we had yesterday. We thank you again for your patience and remind you that the way the site works right now, at this very moment, is not set in stone and the way it will be forever. We're constantly working and evolving the site, so expect to see many of your comments and suggestions taken into account and addressed one way or another. We apologize for the difficulties on Monday, we've spent the better part of the past month testing this new site and working with it in a development environment, but ultimately you just don't know what it's going going to do until it's live. Those of you who work in technology and/or web development can probably relate. So we thank you for pointing out bugs and making suggestions. Together, we're making iFanboy the best site around. If you have any questions at all, let me know and I'll do my best to address them all in the morning. Thanks again everyone.
August 16, 2011 5:03 am You can remove comics from your pull list just by clicking on the "PULLED" button - that action will undo your pull