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Name: Daniel Marquez

Bio: Husband and Father. Loves comics, music, baseball, my Road King, drawing and playing some blues on my guitar.


RaulTheMan's Recent Comments
September 4, 2011 12:22 am Did you read any of the Mini-series? I did and it help add another layer to this last issue. I don't think it's a must to have read the mini's to truly have enjoyed this last issue. I'm just wondering if you did. Good review.
July 19, 2011 1:05 pm to quote your review, "But there's always just enough realism to make the scenes look grounded and, thus, uncomfortable." That's exactly how I feel about his artwork. I too have grown to understand it and appreciate the fact of how it complements the story so well.
July 19, 2011 1:05 pm to quote your review, "But there's always just enough realism to make the scenes look grounded and, thus, uncomfortable." That's exactly how I feel about his artwork. I too have grown to understand it and appreciate the fact of how it complements the story so well.