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Name: Nerd Rage

Bio: Lapsed comics reader. Who returned with the New 52 and same-day-as-print digital releases. I have too many boxes of comics as it is. Now I just want to read, not collect.



I hate it but I think I’m done with Hawkman, at least until they change up the creatives. I really,…

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November 11, 2011 10:38 am The only way that prices will go down is if the publishers decided that lower prices would increase demand enough to push profits higher than they are at the existing price point. If digital distribution cost less than hard copy (which I'm sure it does), the publishers are just going to count the money saved as extra profit.
November 11, 2011 10:32 am While this move may benefit some customers, there is no doubt in my mind that this is a backhanded attack on comic shops. In essence Marvel is trying to use the old distribution model to move customers to a new distribution model. As a consumer without a LCB and who prefers digital anyway, I don't' have a problem with this. But if I were an LCB owner or worker, I'd be really ticked off. Personally, I believe that digital is the future of the medium. The old customers and die-hard collectors might stick with hard copies, but the new customers are going to come from the digital marketplace and and non-collectors going to migrate there as well. LCBs are going to have to find ways to provide added value that can't be replicated digitally if they want to survive.
November 11, 2011 10:12 am Offering a "free" digital copy available to print buyers makes perfect business sense for Marvel. Though it may bite the comic shops in the a$$. What's not clear to me is, are these titles going to only be available through the Marvel app, or will the also be available for purchase in digital form through Graphicly or comiXology? Making it a Marvel app makes me nervous as a consumer about why they want a walled garden.
November 3, 2011 5:56 pm One reason is because they are stuck in the ghetto of comics shops. Another is that there is still a stigma attached to reading comics. Most people still think that they are just for kids. And perhaps most importantly, they lack the time-entertained vs. money-spent value of a novel. Even taking plenty of time to enjoy a comic I'm done in under 30 minutes. For roughly twice that price I can be entertained for the better part of a week by a novel. Disclaimer: I'm not saying that people in the industry shouldn't get paid fairly, or that the work that goes into them is less valuable, just that novels are a more economical form of entertainment than comics.
November 3, 2011 5:45 pm "...now Marvel have crunched the numbers, and protection of the direct market has given way to desire for more revenue." It's not Marvels responsibility to protect the direct market. Nor do I believe that it was ever their intent. Their responsibility is to maintain their existence and profitability. The best way for them to do that is to maintain their customer base by providing a quality product, at a reasonable price, in the manor that best meets the needs of the customer. I fully support small businesses...when the relationship is mutually beneficial. The closest 'local' comic shop is a two hour drive for me. There is no benefit for me in making that drive to purchase comics or to pay extra and wait a few days on a delivery service.
October 27, 2011 6:50 pm I desperately want to like this title, but jeeze this was not a good issue. I really hope the creatives can turn it around before it gets the ax.
October 27, 2011 5:54 pm The problem is, the people that she's talking about aren't cosplayers. They're just "normal" people who want to indulge in dressing up and having a bit of fun once a year. No, she may not be telling those people “your costume's not accurate idiot” or “wtf your not a geek you can’t wear that!” to their faces. She's going behind their backs and bashing them to her 'peers'. She's acting like a teenage girl making fun of those who are too "uncool" to be in-the-know.
October 27, 2011 5:24 pm Okay. I apologize for the Jordan Burchette comparison. That was unfair and over the top. While the intent is clearly different, the tone still came off as superior and judgmental. Just let people have fun and participate in 'your' hobby at the level they feel comfortable. What's so wrong with that?
October 27, 2011 4:21 pm Molly McIsaac should get together with Jordan Burchette this Halloween. They can have a blast mocking everyone who doesn't live up to her costuming and his physical standards.
October 27, 2011 4:09 pm You know what really annoys me? Holier-than-thou costumers complaining about how everyone else is doing it wrong. They're often the same ones who dress up at Con's looking for attention, then complain about how people keep looking at them. Epic fail iFanboy.