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Name: Omar Camacho Johnson


Mari349's Recent Comments
February 25, 2009 5:06 pm Is it me or was Conor in the background 39:41? If it was that whole chat about him being in bed is hilarious! 
January 26, 2009 12:43 am I'd like to categorise myself as a casual reader and have followed X-Men on and off for around 15 years, what I always liked about comics was how much history/continuity was involved for me to seek out and study. This is what Grant Morrison's stories give me, I came back to comics at the start of Morrison's New X-Men run and I was astounded at how he took the concept and took it to the next logical step, I saw it as Xavier's dream almost been fulfilled and I was pretty gutted on how most of these forward thinking concepts have been scaled back (while Austin's faux pas have been overlooked).


My relationship with the DCU was born out of the Dini/Timm Bataman animated series and later JL/JLU where after every episode I would be checking out the background of all the characters I didn't know even names that where said in passing. I decided that after such a good experience with Morrison's New X-Men run I'd check out Final Crisis, I no prior knowledge of the DCU as a whole really other than Wiki's and JLU and I have had so much fun!

For example, checking out wikipedia on the Anti-life equation blew my mind as pretty much everyone who know it prior to FC were in the first issue Sonny Sumo, Empress, Mr. Miracle etc. It added another layer for me.


I find Grant Morrison to be a bit like Radiohead's Kid A/Amnesiac phase, the more you work at it the more you get out.

This has been a really interesting conversation most boards I read especially video game ones would have devolved into insults by now, the iFanbase has quality people!