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Name: Garvan O'Gara



Gummy_Void's Recent Comments
March 13, 2012 9:21 pm Baker is my wife's 'back up'. So not only does he populate her sleeping moments, but my favourite comic too! Damn you Baker, you affable Australian you! (and I'll defo be at tomorrows meet up, have missed too many!)
March 13, 2012 8:51 pm G'Day M!tch, Loved #3 and can't wait for #4 tomorrow. We spoke about photo ref during our last epic @The Activity clan MW3 battle, but I was wondering if any of the characters actually look like your friends, or have you made changed to all of them. I read an article about how Tony Harris had a casting for Ex Machina, so he wouldn't have to change too many details. Love the book, keep up the good work. GV