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CrescentCityBlues's Recent Comments
November 16, 2011 1:54 pm I call dibs on Swamp Thing. I'll wear foam and plastic bags covered in chia pets!
November 16, 2011 1:39 pm I just ordered about 500 bucks worth of graphic novels at my branch. Come in and catch up on your reading.
November 15, 2011 7:59 am Want to know what I do with that buck? I've got usually a buck of pocket change everyday or two. It goes into my Spider-Man shaped bank. Then, every 4-6 months, said bank fills, I take the coins to be counted (somewhere WITHOUT the 10% fee) and take my wife out to a nice dinner with the hundred or so bucks I get. So yes, those dollars DO add up.
November 15, 2011 7:39 am What bothers me most is that a lot of Marvel's better looking miniseries, which I would buy, are $3.99. These books are essentially ads for the creators who are looking to get an ongoing series, and I can't support them at that price.
November 15, 2011 7:35 am @MrGraves That's what I hate to see too. I actually LIKE going to different stores, even IF I don't buy anything, it's cool to have the option to check out a multitude of retailers. Without those new book sales, well, there go some stores.
September 21, 2011 12:39 am One thing that gets to me (call it a pet peeve, if you will) is that I can't get ANY information on that Six Guns mini on Marvel's website. You'd think an OFFICIAL website would be both easier to browse and contain more information...
September 11, 2011 1:06 pm Maybe I've been lucky. I go to Midtown Comics, which has a no sign up, weekly pull list. Granted, the minimum of 7 books is annoying, but it works for me. Also, when I went on vacation, I stopped by Ssalefish Comics in Winston-Salem NC, and asked about pulling books. He had the same webpage pull system. It works. If more shops would adopt it, it would make life smoother.
September 11, 2011 12:54 pm Roger's is still open and still awesome. He makes everyone feel welcome.
September 11, 2011 12:45 pm @kennyg Was that Planet Comics? I think they were owned by the Gamestop corp. I used to go to the one in Long Island. @Lewis Midtown Comics seems to be the LCS you are envisioning.
September 11, 2011 12:41 pm I think we can all get along, except for the shops that cover over the books for gaming. I was in one of these, where I had CALLED FIRST, was told to come in, and was told I could not access the back issues. On the flip side, I was in another shop (both of these are in Long Island, FYI) where the owner told the gamers to "move their stuff off the comics, people want to look at those too." So really, I think it depends on the owner of the shop.