
Name: Michael Son


CommonMike's Recent Comments
March 4, 2008 1:47 am Anything Brian K, Vaughan is writting, he can simply do no wrong.
March 2, 2008 9:28 pm

Hi, this is Michael, the guy that didn't proof read his letter. About The Girls, I really like the idea of the plot, and buying the hardcover is much cheaper than seeking out the individual trades. Thank you Quentin, I did check out The Sword issue #1 and it is BAD-ASS.

I finally opted to get it off of Amazon since it has that niceeeeee 37% discount, and my mom has that 2 day shipping plan so I guess there's too much going for Amazon for me to shell out $100 at the LCS. But I did buy The Sword from them, and probably will buy all of them, so I guess it evens out~