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Name: Charlie Hunt


CaeuZokul's Recent Comments
February 1, 2013 8:44 pm I've come to the cold, hard realization that my vast, comics library will NEVER be the priceless treasure for my adult children or my grandchildren I thought it would be. Now I consider it to be an augmentation to my 401K; Action figures, comics, and rare posters will be used to pay bills, finance fun, and comfort me in my old age. More's the pity. In 1965 I was laid low for weeks by Chicken Pox (get well soon Barbara Walters) and my father came home one day with Jules Feiffer's The Great Comic Book Heroes and I never looked back. My Golden Age was the Silver Age. Begun in '58, and I'm still a fanboy.
January 29, 2013 9:42 pm Another well thought out, even review, Paul. TDKR II was a hard, well placed punch to the animated comics solar plexus. Parts one and two well worth screening for "comics-are-for-kids-only" believers. …And in other news… The Batman: Brave and the Bold movie-related extra was spot on enough to make me track down that series on DVD real soon. … Flea-bitten. Ha.
January 28, 2013 10:05 pm That this day was coming was as certain as an attack from Darkseid. I felt it in my bones the weekend the DC Power Hour was dropped last fall. My greatest sorrow is I have no way to travel to the parallel Earth where these shows continue to air weekly …in prime time. The REAL shame is that these two wonderful shows and all of those insanely inventive DC Shorts (let's not forget THEM!) will come to an end without their futures played out. I fear we will never get to see the continued expansion of the GL mythos, with the Anti Monitor plot run to a satisfying conclusion; a third season of YJ successfully realizing the young heroes' overcoming the Reach, the Light, and the eventual exoneration (and return) of the missing Justice League members OR enough Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld shorts to gain a complete to-DVD release, never mind a for-girls toy line. In my DC iFanboy gut, I know I'll never get to see any of it. Sad indeed.
January 21, 2013 10:16 pm "Here Comes Jock: the Artist Without Fear!"
January 14, 2013 11:36 pm This Just In: I was good, but Santa lied. … And in other news… Absolute Promethea Vol 3 WAS there!!! …thanks to ME. Money well spent.
January 14, 2013 11:23 pm Still debating having dropped Back Issue after 61 issues. BQ: Moving to CT: one of the most expensive states in the NE USA.
January 7, 2013 10:35 pm For me, it was the Red Son trade and JSA #56: Black Reign, part 1. The rest of the time (though I didn't know it then) I was waiting for New Frontier #1 later that month. Absolutely nothing from Marvel moved me.