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Name: Evie Nagy

Bio: Journalist, girl, co-host of the Awesomed by Comics Podcast.

ABCevie's Recent Comments
July 1, 2008 12:04 am Yeah, basically. The Hulk has a book now, but it's just called "Hulk". The Hulk isn't anywhere in Incredible Hercules, but Incredible Hercules spun out of World War Hulk. Also, Amadeus Cho was a main character in The Incredible Hulk, and now he's a main character in Incredible Hercules. Clear as a bell, right? :)
June 27, 2008 9:27 pm

That's just it--no one isn't not not reading it (?). What I mean is, folks is reading it. The sales are good, they're reprinting the most recent issue.

 @ohcaroline: Yeah, Punisher MAX all the way. (He's so *dreamy*!)

June 27, 2008 4:16 pm Oh, well, I guess it would be us girls gushing over the puppy :). I said "dude" because I'm pretty sure Ron said "he" during the podcast, but maybe that was the default, apologies. Anyway, I'm a cat person but that is a cute damn skrully dog.
June 27, 2008 2:43 pm Thanks for following up, Ron. The reason I thought I'd be one of many Herc advocates to write you was that I hear gushing over this book all over the place... I did also think that maybe it was one of those "critically acclaimed" niche books that didn't have high numbers, but then I was heartened by press releases like this: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=16934. Of course, as you say, the sellout is at the Diamond level--but a reprint with a variant cover has to be a good sign. Anyway, it's real good. :)