Article Archive

C2E2 2013: Aaron & Garney Pit THOR: GOD OF THUNDER Against Malekith the Accursed

Straight outta Svartalfheim

REVIEW: Uncanny X-Force #1

An uncanny rebound.

Marvel’s Next Big Thing: Uncanny X-Force with Sam Humphries

They’re not just ladies with swords and mohawks. They’ve got a Puck.

Sam Humphries and Ron Garney Shalt Kill with UNCANNY X-FORCE

Puck! He kills!

Marvel NOW!: There Be “Killers” and “Wanted”

They team up Sam Humphries and Ron Garney, as well as Dennis Hopeless and Salvador LaRocca.

PREVIEW: Wolverine #19

Gorillas versus dragons and commandos? That old story again?