Article Archive

The Event Perfected: How AGE OF ULTRON Should Take Over the World

A series can be a hit without being lodged in your throat. It’s true, and we can prove it!

State of the Ruinin’

Traditionally, there are certain things comic book fans love to complain about. Have those things been dying down lately, or are these rose-colored glasses too thick to see through?

‘Green Lantern: The Animated Series’ – S01E08 – “Fear Itself”

Hey, waitaminute…

What Event Fatigue?

If C2E2 showed us anything, it’s that the event is back. If it ever went anywhere to begin with.

Campaigning in Crazytown

You think Lincoln had it bad? Imagine having the Skrull invasion during your first term.

iFanboy’s Best of 2011: Top 10 Events

A wise man once said, ‘A comic book event is what you make it.’ And if he didn’t, he should have.

2011 – A Look Back

It’s Mike’s last column of the year, and he’s taking a look back on some of aspects of comics (and the industry) that impacted him most in 2011.

The iFanboy Letter Column – 11.11.2011

This week: The Best of the New DCU, Sales vs. Critical success, and Characterization!

What’s Wrong With You? Harsh Criticism

It’s easy to slam something with a couple of harsh words, but what does that accomplish?

The iFanboy Letter Column – 10.21.2011

We get letters. Lots of letters. This week: motion comics (and we know they’re not called motion comics), a dream Batman creator, and the state of Marvel!