Review by: akamuu

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I don’t know how Wolverine supposedly got into the situation he’s in for this story arc.  And while Aaron wants me, desperately, to care, I’m not sure I can.  For me to get invested in this book, whether it be in continuity or in some sort of Elseworld style series, I need to see how the Marvel Universe is existing without Wolverine.  How can the man who is everywhere be stuck in a sanitarium for an extended period of time, and not have every X-venger-force-calibur-flight team out looking for him?

Forgetting any possible context to other Marvel or Wolverine stories, this is just a story that is Wolverine in an asylum.  And, while that’s an  interesting concept, and there is some potential cool in this storyline, nothing in this first issue made me excited to see how Wolverine would get out of this situation.  And the other characters involved seemed pretty two-dimensional. 

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. This issue didn’t stand out to me either. However, the first couple of issues in the last arc didn’t either and it turned out good.

  2. I had the opposite feel with the first arc.  I thought it had an interesting premise, but ended flatly.  I actually haven’t enjoyed any of Aaron’s work in the Marvel Universe.  It almost seems like Quesada has a strict policy of taking very talented Vertigo writers and making them write The Marvel Way.  The problem being, of course, that in a Vertigo series you can do whatever you want to characters, whereas Marvel says that all writers must return their books to exactly where they were when the writer started.  It’s highly annoying.

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