Review by: ohcaroline

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Size: pages
Price: 2.99

As weird as it may seem to say about a Wolverine book, this was a lovely comic.  It revolves around Logan going to a fighting master who dispenses words of wisdom — a trope I usually hate; I fast-forward through the Yoda scenes in ‘Empire Strikes Back,’ it’s that much of a turnoff — and turns it into a genuinely insightful and touching story.  Fred Van Lente really writes the best Wolverine out there.  He gets the character (what the character ought to be, anyway) better than just about anyone, and manages to get something interesting and fresh out of the Wolverine/ Sabertooth rivalry.

The only downside of this issue is that it didn’t feature Kitty Pryde.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 3 - Good

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