Review by: ComicBookGuy37

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Written by Jason Aaron
Art by Renato Guedes
Covers by Jae Lee and Brandon Peterson

Size: pages
Price: 3.99

Let me start by saying this: I despise the abysmal tripe that is “Wolverine: Origin.” By writing that story the Marvel executives essentially destroyed the character of Wolverine; it was a stupid story and it made me physically angry. Now, onto my second rant: I also hate “Enemy of the State,” Mark Millar’s idiotic and incoherent attempt to deconstruct Wolverine by making him evil and redeeming him as the story progressed. It was an absolute failure, only worth reading for the gorgeous John Romita Jr art. Now, on to this issue, this has elements of both. The evil Wolverine running around in this arc has been handled much better than in Millar’s story, because unlike Millar, Jason Aaron maintains his sense of character and storytelling, regardless of the over-the-top action he puts in his books. On the topic of Wolverine’s origin, there are a handful of flashbacks in this issue, just little snippets of Logan’s past, with some particular references to THAT story, but Aaron handles them gracefully and with skill. Then there’s the last page reveal, which by rights should have me shaking my fist and screaming, a la Charlton Heston at the end of “Planet of the Apes.” But it doesn’t, because if anyone can pull this off its Jason Aaron, and considering his own grand sense of storytelling deprived him of having this kind of moment in the most recent arc of Scalped, I cannot wait to see how it plays out with these characters instead. All there is left to say is that after this issue, I am seriously in love with everything Jason Aaron is writing at present, and while this is the lowest book on my appreciation meter, the fact is, it’s still absolutely marvellous.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. Lowest book at a perfect 5.

    I dig on this book too.

    Thanks for the review.

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