Review by: changingshades

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tee hee. I am currently cackling maniacally from this book. I’ll try not to be too spoilery, but dear god this was so awesome. The Guardians of the Galaxy finally enter the fray properly and make an all out awesome showing. Groot is my hero. The running joke of the Imperial guard is awesome to me but not as awesome as the last page which makes me question how the series will last the remaining 3 issues with this power shift. I like the Crystal Ronan scene and their relationship is probably the most interesting plot thread in the whole book. I’m very curious to see what will be come of Vulcan by this book’s end, as I can’t see him staying in power, but I don’t see them summarily executing him either. The art was solid as ever. More Rachel would be nice, but it’s not a huge thing. Great series.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 4 - Very Good

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