Review by: leland222

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Oh. My. Lord.

The first page recap on the last couple issues of “The Walking Dead” has been “The shit has hit the fan”.

It’s true.

I know that all the iFanboy’s read this book in trade which to me is a crying shame. Kirkman has a really great handle on writing for the issue. I jumped on this title in the 30’s without having read anything prior and I loved the series so much I went back and bought all the trades.

Reading it in trade is great but nothing beats reading this book month to month. It’s one of the few comics I read in issues that I would never consider going back to trade I always save this book for last on Wednesday because typically I’m so shocked I can’t speak and I have to pick my jaw up off the floor.

This is a character driven story. Sure, the book is about zombies but stories about zombies never really are about that. It’s about how these humans react in times of great tragedy and peril. This issue has an especially heartbreaking scene between Rick and his son where his son has become so desensitized by everything that is going on. It’s a short one page scene in an issue which had bullets flying for the first 3 pages. I love that even when the shit is hitting the fan that Kirkman still keeps his characters true.

Don’t get me wrong. I never get tired of the black images of zombies heads being blown out but it’s the character moments and development that keep me coming back. Rick isn’t the same guy he was at the beginning of the series and it completely makes sense that he wouldn’t be.

Charlie Adlard’s artwork is fantastic. Totally gritty. I applaud artists who have the ability to draw distinct characters without the help of capes, colors, and masks. I’m a sucker for black and white comics and this comic is no exception.

This comic book is exactly what I look for in a monthly book and I can’t even imagine what Kirkman has cooked up for the 50th issue. No one is safe.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. amazing – this more than any other comic i read is the one that i absolutely can wait to read the next issue.

  2. I have to agree, this is the perfect monthly book, waiting any longer than a month for anything new would be extreme torture

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