Review by: Eddy

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Avg Rating: 4.3
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Story by Brian Wood
Art by Mahmud Asrar & Juan Vlasco
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Cover by Dave Johnson

Size: 0 pages
Price: 3.99

I always read the ultimate books in my stack first. They’re not often the best books of the week, but they’re never the worst. This issue has everything I like about ultimate comics: zany marvel action, larger than life story lines, characters we’ve know forever flipped on their headed, heroes fighting other heroes, and mohawks.
In this issue, Brian Wood elegantly wraps up a multi-threaded storyline and leads cleanly into the next one, while the combined efforts of Mahmud Asrar, Juan Vlasco, and Jordie Bellaire nail the feel for the book – fun, rough around the edges action.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. Ok….no comments?! 🙁 I have looked everywhere for answers…so I really hope someone can help here! Anyways…I have read every “Ultimate” line since day one. And I’m still lost with the X-men! Ok…when the X-men started over, there were Jean, James, and two others (Brain Fart) What I’m asking…WTF happened to the new “Angel”? And hell, what happened to all of them in the first place?! It’s like the story vanished, and it became Kitty Pryde?! I noticed them in the Ultimates…but it all got confusing after Xorn!? And…what happened with Xorn! I read the series…but it was like a final battle, then no more mention!? lol

    Sorry for the confusion comment, but I’ve been lost for A LONG time!!! I still read it all, but I’m getting to the point where I’m getting pissed and tired.

    Thanks in advance!

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