Review by: chewie810

Size: pages
Price: 3.50

This was my favorite book of the week. I’m a big fan of the magic side of the DCU, and this series has really played with that area very well. In this issue we see the battle between Sabina and Freddy, and all I can say is it was epic. Watching both characters rally their respective armies gave a great look at the difference between the two. The outcome of the battle was incredible, and showed who Freddie Freeman is and what he stands for. Also, Zareb’s reveal was a surprise, but made a lot of sense when you think about it. It definitely explains why he was assigned to accompany Freddy.

The art is fantastic. I really like this painted style that Cascioli uses. Both the big action scenes, and the small character ones conveyed the emotions needed. The only critique I have is there seems to be unnecessary shadowing of faces a lot of the time. Other than that I found no major fault in the art.

This was a great series that I am sad to see end, and I hope that we will see some more of the Marvel family in the near future.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 4 - Very Good

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