Review by: Firevine

What did the
community think?

Avg Rating: 4.7
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Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99

I’d like to start this review by saying a few words about the creative team;


Charlie Adlard, Mike Carey, Becky Cloonan, Andy Diggle, D’Israeli, Anthony Johnston, Duncan Fegredo.

There’s more, but hey, I think that should speak for itself.

Yeah, it’s an anthology book, and I know that’s not everyones cup of tea. As with any anthology, there are some good, some bad, and some great. In addition to stories by those pros mentioned above, there are some stories by winners of the Northern Sequential Art Competition. A couple of them were gems, and hopefully the creators can make their mark in the world of comics. The Trip to the North feature by Matt Sheret and Julia Scheele showcases one of those stellar ideas that you can only see in comics.

Some of the highlights are an H.P. Lovecraft story adapted by Stuart Gordon and Tula Lotay, and a story about Leonardo DaVinci by Mike Carey, M.D. Penman, and Andrew Tunney, where DaVinci is an even bigger badass than we already knew.

There is a lot of great stuff in this book, and for it to only have 17 pulls at the time of this review is a shame, though it may be due to lack of information in the solicit.

If this book is a monthly, consider me in. I’m really glad I grabbed this. Rating it on overall quality, since there are a couple duds, but the good stuff is great.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. You are right, it was’nt even on my radar to consider. It didn’t help that there isn’t even a cover thumbnail to help it exist beyond text on this website.

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