Review by: JDC

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STORY BY Roger Langridge

Size: 128 pages
Price: 14.99

In my review of the first volume of this “closed continuity” series I said that it felt like a superhero rom-com. It left me feeling warm and fuzzy inside, but did not leave much of an impression on my mind. Nevertheless, I liked it enough to pick up this second and (sadly) final volume. Thank Odin that I did.

Although the tragically premature death of this series means a few sub-plots were left unresolved — the identity of the person or persons who captured Thor, why Thor was sent to Earth, what (if anything) Loki was up to — the only thing that was really important, the relationship between Thor and Jane, sees a happy end.

Their story evolves out of the sweet but formulaic “will-they-won’t-they?” and into something more like a fairy tale romance, which seems a lot more suited to this character, and to Langridge’s talented dialogue and elegantly simple characterisations. The exchange between Thor and Heimdall that shows Thor’s true feelings for Jane is a brilliant example of both, and truly made my heart heavy.

Not that the story skimps on action of course. There’s plenty of that too, involving more of those sitcom-style cameos that are too cheesy not to love. One could argue that the series would stand stronger without Namor or Iron Man popping in for a visit, but this series is (or was) about having fun more than worrying about such things.

Samnee’s art is just as beautiful as in the first volume; his character posing and facial expressions provide maximum hilarity and joy, and the action scenes give him a more dynamic challenge that he pulls off excellently.

I know that horrible trade-waiters like me are probably the reason this series was discontinued, but I still feel quite sad and a little annoyed that it was cut short so soon. But the brightest stars burn fastest, and all good things, etc.

Story: 4 - Very Good
Art: 4 - Very Good


  1. Awesome review!

    Partly because I absolutely agree with you.

    It is good to see a balanced review that still lays praise, but doesn’t overhype and claim this is the greatest series ever.

  2. ^Agreed Agreed Agreed!

    I think I said the same thing about your review of Vol. 1. I liked this series and may buy the collections. It’s great. Unfortunately, however, what I think of when I hear “Thor The Mighty Avenger” is a bunch of comics internet pundits telling me that it’s the best comic of the decade. Based on how they acted when it was cancelled, you’d think they thought it was a greater tragedy than a natural disaster, y’know. It was so overblown that all of the praise just weirded me the heck out and it became hard to separate the overly fawning reviews from the actual work. The actual work, though? It’s still really damn nice, and it’s realistic reviews like yours that make me appreciate it more. Hopefully sometime they’ll release a single-volume collection including the Free Comic Book Day issue.

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