Review by: monkeyking

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Story by Andy Diggle & Robert Kirkman
Art by Shawn Martinbrough & Felix Serrano

Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99

Look, I don’t know all that much about Diggle, about Kirkman, Martinbrough, etc. I mean I’m the kind of reader who pays more attention to stories and characters, not creators, and I love a good heist story. So I thought I would give some more attention to Thief of Thieves… should you, too?

I did try the series when it started last year, but I admit to losing interest and failing to pick up anything after the first couple of issues. In part, I sampled this issue to see if I should reinvest my interest, maybe even pick up some past trade paperbakcs.

The issue does a good job of setting up the characters, with strong dialogue and giant, moody panels. The dynamics between the main characters is real and raw, and the stakes feel high, creating a lot of suspense. The real question, however, is how you feel about these characters, and unfortunately, I’m just not feeling any connection. I understand what the main character is going through but I am just not emotionally invested. This could be because I’m a lapsed reader, but there is little hope or light to these guys, so why should I root for them?

The writers/artists seem to want to convey a moody character-driven piece, but I want more plot and action-driven heists. I don’t want to have to wait six months or more as the issues come out, so I guess I’ll pass on this once again. There is just not enough happening.

Story: 2 - Average
Art: 3 - Good

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