THE RAY #4 (OF 4)

Review by: Metamorphic

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Written by Justin Gray & Jimmy Palmiotti
Pencilled by Jamal Igle
Inked by Richard Perrotta
Lettered by DC Lettering
Cover by Jamal Igle

Size: 32 pages
Price: 2.99

As I fight the temptation to start with a light-related pun, let me say a few words about the Ray and its final issue.

In a week bustling with high-profile titles, it would be pretty easy for the Ray to fly under the radar. And for many, it probably has. But I do dig me some Palmiotti and Gray writing and Igle art. There are few names that virtually guarantee a good read but those ones are among them.

And that’s what the Ray has been; a good read. The final issue picks up exactly where it began, leading to the moment where the Ray really steps up and earns the hero title. Or does he?

There is an odd moral question raised in the way Ray saves the day. And that he simply does what he does without regret nor second thought adds an interesting layer to the character. Sure, he saved the day… but he also got something specifically for himself in doing so. So he’s not entirely a selfless hero. Doesn’t that make him a little more like an average person who got crazy powers by accident?

The dialogue pops, the art is sweet and the ending hints at possibilities for the character beyond this series. (Possibilities I would love to see in print). The Ray may not be my pick of the week. But as far as an introduction to a new hero in this new 52, it was an enjoyable ride. A definite “bright spot” in the stack. (Hey, I didn’t say I wouldn’t END with a light related pun. If the book can, I can.)

Story: 3 - Good
Art: 3 - Good

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