Review by: freemanmorgan
Story by Rob Williams
Art by Rebekah Isaacs & John Livesay
Colors by Andres Mossa
Cover by Ariel Olivetti

Size: 0 pages
Price: 2.99

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Story: 2 - Average
Art: 1 - Poor


  1. Disagree. Thought this was a 4-4 book. And the six didn’t take her out, the robots did (or mostly). And before you say “how could robots take her out?”, well, that was the premise of how she got into the story in the first place, so I thought it worked.

    What about Pym in this issue? I thought that was great, as was Tony dealing with the difficulty of building a time machine and preserving the time line by isolating himself.

    I did think the “Heroes always answer the call” moral of the story was a little too cheesy.

    I think this story will be great collected in trade and certainly agree with you it was far better than Fear Itself.

    Thanks for reviewing, freemanmorgan, it seems this book hasn’t really caught people’s imaginations the way it has you and me…but am hoping it will get trade recognition. I liked all the artists on this series, and liked the mix, which is unusual since the “rule” for mini-series is typically to keep one consistent creative team throughout. But of course, the mixed art was part of the plan from the very beginning.

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