Review by: ToddFrazier
Story by Phil Hester
Art by Andrea Di Vito
Cover by Andrea Di Vito

Size: 32 pages
Price: 3.99

I really wanted to like this book. Not a great first sentence for a review, I know. I’ve heard how great the concept is and I vaguely remember the series from the early 80’s. But reading this book made me feel like I was crashing a private party.

I enjoyed Phil Hester’s The Wretch and his run on Wonder Woman. However, in this book, the dialogue seems forced and the story setting is very cliché.

The story just jumps right in, using dialogue as tool for characterization. The use of over explanation throughout the dialogue slows down the pace and, in my opinion, made for a ho hum read. It was hard for a first time reader to relate to the characters and the plot.
The art matches the writing, not bad just plain.

Maybe I am missing something because I am not a big fan of Thunder Agents, maybe this party is an invite only and I just stumbled in not knowing where to mingle.

Story: 1 - Poor
Art: 2 - Average


  1. Bummer.

  2. I wish it was better, so much potential

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