Review by: jerriblankstare

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Story by Grace Randolph
Art by Russell Dauterman

Size: 0 pages
Price: 3.99

We have sex, we have drugs and we have super heroes now throw in the wives and a house husband. While the Meta Legion members are clearly archetypes of other well known super hero groups, there is an intriguing twist. The main action comes from the sidelines where we learn the more subtle battles of hidden agendas and jockeying for power. Is this the first time this has been attempted? Not at all, but, this is fun and engaging and I will definitely be in for the duration.

Story: 5 - Excellent
Art: 5 - Excellent


  1. I wash a bit disappointed with this book. The concept sold me, but I felt they tried to cram way too much into a first issue. Instead of concentrating on 1 character and developing it, they throw 10 characters at you all at once. I felt this could have been executed a little better, but I did like the twist at the end.

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